Parks and Recreation Meeting Minutes of April 23, 2007
Committee Members: Mike Prisco (MP), PersonNameSergio Coviello (SC), Rita Mullin (RM),
Lauren McMullen (LM), Melissa Lewis (ML), Nasos Phillips (NP)
Staff: Lynne Clemens (LC), Sheila Sturdevant (SS)
(MP) 7:10pm Quorum, meeting called to order by Mike Prisco
Minutes from 03/26/07
The minutes from the March 26, 2007 meeting are not completed yet.
Old Business
IRP Hockey Park issues and Discussion
A discussion on the status of the structure of the Hockey Rink at PlaceNameplaceIpswich PlaceTypeRiver PlaceTypePark. After an
on site evaluation it has been determined that the Steel Rib structure are in good condition and still can
be used. Brian Wood has met with a Mike McCrea to discuss this situation and we are waiting on a
pricing quote as to the cost of the upgrade for the rink.
Define site Design for Bathroom & Volleyball at IRP
The committee has received more information on other options for bathroom facilities at IRP.
Bathroom Vault System has been declined by the Board of Health. We have received two quotes on
other types of systems; one is a four person stall facility and the other is a two person stall facility.
Still do not have a quote for a Clivus environmental safe system. Rita Mullin has informed the
P & R Committee that the Land Utilization Committee would like to attend and on site visit along
with the Parks & Recreation committee for this project.
Soccer Tournament request at IRP on June 23rd & 24th
After a long discussion with staff, committee member and Mr. Tramatozzi is has been decided that a Soccer Tournament requested to be held at IRP on June 23rd and 24th of 2007 will not be possible.
New Business
Lincoln Property public safety issues
There has been some safety issues that have been brought to the attention of the Parks Dept. regarding
the retention pond and gully that is located on the Lincoln Property and Mullen Field by the Backstop
to the baseball field. There has been request made by Brian Wood to Dave Hanlon for a Development
Team meeting regarding the safety issue in question. Melissa Lewis has been appointed the contact
person to follow up on the information and meeting requested and bring the status back to the committee.
Page 2
Discuss future organizational structure for Parks & Rec. Dept.
A preliminary discussion was had regarding the restructuring of the Parks & Rec. Department,
which included job descriptions(where they should fall), personnel, responsibilities for different
departments and the possibilities within the budget of the Parks and Recreation. The committee is looking
for feedback from the staff to understand a better view on what the needs of the department will be.
Rita Mullin has said she will be responsible for collecting information on job descriptions
and responsibilities. This topic will be continued at a later date.
Transition plan for when Brian Wood retires in March 2008.
A conversation intertwined with the discussion of restructure of Parks & Recreation, that who ever
assumes Mr. Woods responsibilities could possibly be brought into the department and trained and/or
faded into the responsibilities before Brian leaves so that they may have the ability of having Mr.
Wood’s expertise to learn from.
Town Common Land
It has been brought to the Committee’s attention that there has been conversation about sledding on
the Town Common and the dangers that could possibly go along with it. It has been asked of the
committee to express an opinion if they feel that sledding should be allowed on the Town Common or
if it should be banned. Although the members of the committee expressed that they take the safety
of the public as a priority, they are not sure that banning sledding entirely is the right answer also.
They discussed the options of making the all American favorite pastime safer for the community
while maintaining safety. At this time the Committee is maintaining“indecision” on the topic until
further discussion.
Other Business
Dog Park
The committee is concerned regarding the topic of the placePlaceNameDog PlaceTypePark because there has been a petition
submitted by private citizens asking the Selectman to resolve the Dog Park situation.
Schedule for next Committee meeting
May 9, 2007 meet at IRP at 6pm and then continue meeting at Town Hall in Room 5.
(NP) A motion was made by Nasos Phillips at 10:00pm to adjourn the meeting.
(SC) Sergio Coviello second the motion
In Favor: 6 Opposed: 0 Abstained: 0